Minimalist Travel Packing Guide

No matter if you are traveling for a short or long stay it’s always a great Idea to pack light like a Minimalist. It’s always a hassle to carry loads of luggage around the airport and transportation from place to place, etc. It’s easy once you get the hang of it and know how to pack, what to pack, and most importantly how it will all fit into your luggage. Don’t worry you don’t have to leave the essentials at home! You can bring anything you really NEED but pack it in a way that is more efficient.

The Bag

This is a HUGE piece to the puzzle on how you can pack light for your next adventure. If the bag doesn’t have compartments or extra pockets for gadgets and organization then keep looking. My favorite bags have deep pockets, slit for your computer, side pockets, shoulder straps, and wheels. The wheels are great because you don’t have to carry it from place to place but if you need to can use it as a backpack.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering how is it possible to fit everything in a backpack-sized bag? Well, how you pack your clothes has A LOT to do with space and what you can squeeze into a small bag. I like to carry my roller bag and one extra backpack for carryon travel.

Roll Your Clothes

Rolling your clothes helps not only to cut down on space but reduces wrinkles. Now by rolling clothes, I don’t mean roll them like a when you get frustrated with folding a fitted sheet but tight and as little as you can! If you fold them they take up more space by being a chunkier item. Oddly enough by rolling it’s easier to Tetris them into your bag and tuck clothes into smaller spaces.


Line Your Bag With Shoes

Lining your bag with shoes helps is a great way to save on space! If you have them in the bottom or center they are taking up space vs going with the lining of the bag keeps the shape and availability to pack more clothes. On this one go with the grain and not against.


Maximize Pocket Space

Side pockets and smaller front pockets are going to help you take all of the little extras you need. Use all those hidden pockets for your toiletries, underwear, socks, chargers, cords, and any other tiny items.


I love finding new accessories or gadgets that help cut down on space and organize my luggage. Neck pillow, eye mask, earplugs, are all a must, especially for those long flights. The neck pillow can snap on the outside of your bag not taking up any extra space.

Toiletries tend to take up a good chunk of space. Finding a kit that folds flat and doesn’t bulk your luggage is a great travel accessory to help you maximize space and still take all of the essentials! Plus, staying organized is important so keeping all of your documents (Ticket, Passport, Wallet) handy and accessible when going through the airport, cuts down on time spent digging through your bag.


If you don’t need to take your laptop with you for business, then I recommend a tablet which is easier to pack, lightweight, and easily accessible. Plus, you can download eBooks, Magazines, Movies, etc. to keep yourself entertained on layovers.

Packing can be such a stressful activity especially because you don’t want to forget something important. Don’t forget to pick up my travel checklist with plenty of extra tips and travel gadgets to take with you. These items save space to pack like a minimalist.


All that’s left is for you to go on your next trip and be able to pack light with everything you need! I hope you have fun on your next adventure! Feel free to comment below and follow my blog for more travel tips and destinations.


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