How To Start A Travel Blog For Beginners

First things first. Do you love to travel? How much do you love it? How often do you travel, have traveled, or are you wanting to travel more as a result of a blog? These are all important questions you want to ask yourself because whatever niche you start a blog about you have to be passionate about it!

For me I was bitten by the travel bug at an early age and there is just something about travel that gives me the sensation of freedom, inner peace, and wonderment. Don’t get me wrong it’s not always smooth sailing or glamorous by any means but those negatives don’t out way the positive experiences I have had along the way.

Do You Like To Write?

You can’t have a blog without having to write something that’s pretty much the entire gig lol. You don’t have to be the most eloquent speaker and it’s actually advised that you aren’t because that doesn’t come across as real and authentic. Just talk how you talk but within reason there are a lot of people that hate grammatical errors haha. Just let it flow and practice! Find the rhythm and style that suits you and don’t think too much.

Word of advice, don’t write and edit and the same time. Just let it flow and then go back and edit any misspelled words etc. Keep it light!

Do You Have Past Content? 

Think about past trips that you have taken and then just start cataloging them to start your blog off. For the first 9 months of my blog I didn’t have enough money to travel to a new destination so all I did was write about past vacations and extended stays. Any trip can turn into a blog post! 

You can also do research if you don’t remember everything you did. The older the trip the more I had to look up but that’s part of starting out. On current trips you just get good at writing stuff down or taking pictures to remember prices, places, and more!

Learning How To Set Up A Blog

This was the most frustrating part of my journey. I spent countless hours in between work hours trying to figure it out on my own! I was so overwhelmed trying to piece everything together. Yes, I did get hung up on my website design which everyone tells you not to but I’m such a visual person that I didn’t have a choice. It would keep me up if a certain part of my site didn’t look how I wanted it.

I wish I started out with my online training in the beginning because it would have saved me so much time and frustration! Summit Affiliate is a one stop shop training program that helps you set up everything from scratch and you can match it to whatever niche you are passionate about. From Fb, Instagram, Blogging, Vlogging, Pinterest ( I actually have my own course I created for them on Pinterest inside of the training), you name it they have tutorials on how to set it up. 

I met up with some of the members of Summit Affiliate in November 2018 and they are also the most genuine people I have the pleasure of working with and now call friends.

Money, Money, Money

So many people start a blog with the mentality that “I need to make money in X amount of time and if not then this just wasn’t for me.” If you’re serious about creating a travel blog then don’t limit yourself that way. Also it takes A LOT of hard work, dedication, time, money, and passion to keep your dream, site, and following alive.

That’s the reality of it. You have to be diligent and time organized to succeed but most importantly have the right mindset. Don’t put those blinders on and just go in for the money. I mean yes, don’t get me wrong that can happen through affiliate marketing and selling your own online digital products but it can’t be your only WHY.

Why are you doing this? Why do you want to start a travel blog? are you hoping to make quick cash? Are you wanting to quit your day job and travel the world?

Well If you are willing and ready to jump in then starting a travel blog just might be the right fit for you. If you need more info on how to get started and implementing, check out Summit Affiliate!  The creators Justin and Phil (who I have met in person in Bali) will walk you through it all!

So if you think that starting your own travel blog is the right path for you then go ahead and click through to get started!! GET STARTED

Don’t forget to follow/subscribe to my blog for more travel tips, health secrets, and blogging advice!

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