• staying in hostels

    7 Realities of Staying in Hostels

    Hostels can get a bad reputation from movies and media stereotypes. But what are the realities of staying in hostels in 2020? They can be some of the best ways to socialize, connect with other travelers, and have a feeling…

  • Eco-friendly travel

    Ultimate Guide to Eco-friendly Travel

    As more are realizing that our planet needs some major TLC, travelers are looking to cut down and make more eco-friendly travel choices. What exactly is it to be “Eco-friendly”? Basically, it is reusing and re-purposing products, in order to…

  • How To Travel On A Budget In 2020

    Traveling in 2020 can be your year to get out of your comfort zone, take those vacation days, and not break the bank! Traveling on a budget in 2020 can be the best and easiest decision of the year. With…

  • Solo Travel Tips For Millennials On A Budget

    Solo travel has been marked as dangerous, selfish, etc. You name it, whatever negative the media or maybe your family have expressed that to you. But the reality is that traveling solo especially as a millennial is so much more…

  • Do I Really Need Travel Vaccinations?

    For those that like to or want to consider traveling abroad sometimes you might see the recommendation for travel vaccinations. Are these really necessary? How do I know which ones to get? Why is important? This is freaking me out,…

  • Best Airline For Flights Abroad

    When you are trusting a company to take you across the pond and travel abroad it can be nerve racking. Which one do I pick? Do I know anyone that has flown these airlines before? Are they safe? So many…

  • How To Eat Vegan Traveling Around Southeast Asia

    When you have dietary restrictions or any “alternative” lifestyle it can be difficult to eat out or find what you need. I say alternative lightly because there’s is a whole lot of info out there about benefits of being vegan…

  • 5 Secrets To Visiting Cambodia

    Learn the top five secrets to visiting Cambodia. What you should know before you go and the do/don’ts of your trip to make it as smooth as possible. During my travels I had a lot of mistakes or just simple…

  • Vegan Food Guide To Phnom Penh

    Being Vegan can be difficult to eat out. Especially if you don’t know where to look. I’ve been gluten-free for 8 years now and Vegan for almost 2 years. You get used to looking at labels and menus but it…

  • Travel Hacks to Getting Around Asia

    You might be thinking that it’s not very feasible to travel Asia let alone navigating it on your own. As far as international travel goes Asia is one of the most affordable destinations to travel to. Check out my post…