How Travel Changed My Life

Travel has changed all aspects of my life both big and small. I could probably go on for forever about my affinity for travel but I’ll just give you the meat and bones of the operation. First off if this is the first time you’re coming to my blog my name is Sam. I started this blog in 2017 because I wanted to share my travel experiences, tips/hacks, and pictures. Let’s be honest it was also because I had all of these travel photos just sitting on my computer and was a little vain and wanted people to like and see them haha.

My Travel Creation Story 

My love for travel started young! I was around 10 years old and took a family trip to Paris. We weren’t rich but my uncle, who was living there at the time, wanted to have his entire family come out for his 40th birthday. So because of his generosity, he flew my portion of our family to Paris! If you’re going to pick a place to catch the travel bug Paris is probably the best city possible.

As a kid I was able to surround myself with art, culture, a different language, and immerse myself in a new world. I’ve always been a dreamer, lover of history, and trying new things, so it’s safe to say that this trip had an impact.

There is something that happens when you go to a country and don’t speak the language. You notice the little things like body language, community interactions, lack of interaction, customs, etc. All without knowing a single word to communicate. It shoves you outside of your comfort zone and wakes up the mind.

Fast Forward

Fast forward to today and so far I have traveled internationally to……Paris(2), Cannes, London, Munich, Vienna, Salzburg, Portofino, Rapallo, Santa Margherita, Cinque Terre, Florence, Assisi (2), Rome(3), Tivoli, Naples, Messina, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Athens, Crete, Turkey, Bahamas, Cozumel, Grand Caymen, Falmouth, Bangkok, Phuket, Phi Phi Islands, Krabi/Ao Nang, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Bali, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. 

I think it’s definitely safe to say that I caught the travel bug early on and it’s effected my life substantially. 

Why is Travel important?

Every place that I have traveled to changed my perspective on life even if it was a small amount. See there is a phrase that people who travel do it to escape life. But that’s not true, it’s so that life doesn’t escape you.

There is an entire world of people who are living their lives in opposite polarity to yours and it’s important to see that. It’s important to open your mind to different ways of living, being, interacting, culture, community, and family.

By doing this we are able to relate to each other more as human beings. To see that life isn’t meant to only be lived one way. There are so many different variations to how to go about a single day let alone values and societal conformity.

Travel to see our differences but it also shows us how similar we all really are in the human race. That’s the key to kindness, understanding, and connecting in a way that we have been missing.

Someday is Today

So if you can travel DO IT, take off, buy that plane ticket instead of an expensive pair of shoes you don’t need. You have all of the resources to do it! I have an extensive collection of blog posts to help you travel on a budget all you have to do it take the step and make it a reality. Don’t just dream about your ideal vacation GO. TAKE IT.

Life is too short and too much of a roller coaster not to. Don’t feel guilty for taking time off of work that’s not what you’re here for anyways. You need the income to survive but adventure to live. 

Traveling is an opportunity for me to experience new things and grow as an individual and that helps me to better serve those around me. If you’re not growing you’re dying. Sounds dramatic but it’s really true. So take time for yourself and get to know my friend travel. I think you will find it’s one of the best decisions you’ll make.


Like I said I have given you plenty of resources to take that first step and travel. Follow my blog via email to get weekly tips/updates/travel hacks. See you around the world! Cheers!

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