5 Exercises To Do In Your Hotel Room

Staying healthy and fit while you travel can be tricky. Sometimes you have to get creative with the environment around you. As a Certified Pilate’s instructor I am always letting my clients know what they can do outside of class. It’s not just what you do inside of a workout space but every day. I came up with 5 simple exercises that you can do in your hotel room. Little to no props so all you are doing is using a bed, chair, countertop, etc. Check out the video and info below to get your hotel exercise ready body!

5 Exercises To Do In Your Hotel Room

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 1. “Ab Curls” 

When I say ab curls I don’t mean in the traditional sense where you lift your head and crunch the space in between your ribs/hips. Shortening the muscle isn’t going to strengthen them just contract and over time restrict your ribcage mobility.

Start with your head and shoulders extended over the edge of the bed. You want to ribcage to open and then just bring your head and shoulders flat back in line with the rest of your spine. Legs can be straight or bent but you want to avoid an arch in the low back.

Focus On: When you’re moving try not to let the abs puff up towards the ceiling. This means you are using the superficial abs and you want to let those sink/drop back to engage the deep (intrinsic) layer of the abs. That will allow you to built strength from the inside out and the body able to animate through motion. You want to feel a deep belly ab shake in the center. When you do it’s strengthening the entire core which runs up through the ribcage.

*Your core is actually from the tailbone all the way to the middle of your forehead

Reps: 10x inhale to extend, exhale to lift 

2. Oblique “Curls” 

Same theory here and use of the muscles. Instead you can lay on your side to target the obliques and keep them long. Extend head and shoulders over the bed with the hands behind the head for support. Keep the bottom leg bent top leg straight. Take the shoulders over in an extended position and lift back up in line with the rest of the spine.

Focus On: Reach long through your straight leg to help anchor you to the bed and keep the energy reaching in opposite directions. The body is constantly working in opposition on a daily basis so it’s no different here.

Reps: 10 x Each Side, Inhale over, Exhale Lift

3. Tricep Press 

Use a stable surface, chair, edge of the bed etc. Have your hands point in towards yourself. Have the legs out a little distance away from you. When you bend the elbow point them back behind you, keeping the chest wide/open, knees can bend to a 90 degree angle. You don’t want the knees too close so they can stay over the ankles when bent (Not over or past the toes)

Focus on: Keep the back straight lifting up tall through the top of the head. Make sure to keep the chest open so the shoulders don’t roll forward. Only bend the arms to a 90 degree angle as well, it can cause pain in the shoulder or elbow with too much flexion.

Reps: 2 Sets of 8 

4. Plank 

There are several ways to do a plank and modify based on what your body needs

  1. On your hand (shoulders on top of wrists), lengthening legs back behind you on the balls of the feet.
  2. On forearms (shoulders on top of elbows), lengthening legs back behind you on the balls of the feet.
  3. Use an extended surface like countertop, bed, box, bench, etc. whatever you can find to do exercises in your hotel
  4. On your hand (shoulders on top of wrists), knees down and  angling back so hips are flat, feet lifted (if comfortable for knees)
  5. On your forearms (shoulders on top of elbows), knees down and  angling back so hits are flat, feet lifted “     “

Focus On: When you plank you want to not feel like you’re holding a static position. You’re using that sense of opposition by lifting up and out of the floor and from your head to your heels. Take big deep breaths so that your using the breath to keep motion in the body as you “hold”

Reps: 3x holding for 3 deep breaths (if you need to work up to this hold for less breaths and still do 3x)


5. Chest Lift (Swan) 

Lay on your stomach on the floor with a mat/towel underneath you because let’s be real hotel floors are gross. Grab 2 small hand towels from your bathroom and use them for the hands to slide. (If it’s carpet in the hotel your might not need them but you can modify) Laying on the stomach, legs straight, arms straight overhead. Press under your arms to lift the head shoulders and chest slightly off of the floor and lower back down.

Focus On: Use the abs by engaging them in to bring the ribcage with you and support the spine. You want to avoid overly arching your back. The goal is to strengthen your arms, shoulder stability, and upper back. The low back shouldn’t feel tension if you’re using the abs to help lift. Keep the eyes and focus towards the floor so your neck stays long and in line with the rest of the spine.

Reps: 3 Sets, 6-10 reps each – you can always do less 10 is just my max number I would suggest.

For Packable Props You Can With You To Exercises Check Out My SHOP PAGE!

I love to travel and fly but sometimes the body gets wrecked in the process. With these exercises to do in your hotel you will be able to counterbalance. So take care of it and you can have a great adventure pain free!

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