healthy lifestyle

6 Ways To Stay Healthy On Vacation

There’s nothing worse than getting sick when you’re trying to relax on vacation. Don’t take the risk and get some tips on how to prevent those pesky colds/stomach bugs. With the six topics/healthy lifestyle hacks below to strengthen the immune system you’ll be having some fun in the sun instead of staying in the hotel room. Scroll down to check out how to stay healthy on vacation!


Many might think that taking a probiotic is just for people with digestive issues. That’s actually not true. Everyone has a gut that contains both good and bad bacteria. Certain food, drinks, and lifestyle patterns (drinking alcohol) kills off the good bacteria creating an imbalance. You need a probiotic to balance your system and restore the good bacteria.

Why is this important in order to stay healthy on vacation? Your digestive system, mainly the gut, has a HUGE control over your immune system. If the immune system is compromised you have a much greater chance at getting sick. I use PB Assist From Doterra.


With the way our food system is we aren’t getting enough nutrients! Supplements can help bridge that gap and keep the body healthy. I’m not talking about gain muscle mass and bulk up kind of supplements but more like vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, etc. Doterra’s Nutrient Pack is great because I’m then getting all the vitamins and nutrients I need on a daily basis.

Being a Vegan I am always eating vegetables, getting enough protein, but the way that the food industry processes everything sometimes they take the essential bits out which is what we need. That’s why I still take the Nutrient Pack from Doterra to balance it all.

Foods To Eat

Avocados, Grapefruit, Pomegranate , Ginger, Lemon to name a few Foods to eat for a boost to the immune system. Avocados contain more potassium than bananas, loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and fiber, can also lower cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels. Grapefruit is a powerful antioxidant and helps reduce kidney stones.

Ginger can reduce muscle pain and soreness which is great for after those long flights. Not to mention it is great for nausea and an anti-inflammatory. Lemon is a good source of Vitamin C and supports digestive health. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Eating the seeds is the best part!

sick on vacation

Immune System Tips 

Another way to keep the immune system strong is by having a healthy Lymphatic System. You have lymph all over your body and keeping it flowing and not stuck is a major key to being healthy. GST Body has some amazing tips to keep all of your lymphatic system healthy. I love watching her videos on Instagram about the body. I know I’m nerding out slightly on the body systems but that’s what you get when a Pilate’s Instructor loves to give tips on health and travel! 

Tip: Take your fist and pound across your chest making a percussive sound. There are several large areas in your chest that control the lymphatic system so getting that flowing can help boost your immune system already. Getting on a plane? Just act like Tarzan for a sec and avoid some of those plane illnesses. 

Essential Oils

Copaiba, Frankincense, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lemon, Clove and so many more are great to support the immune system. Copaiba has the widest variety of healthy benefits. It’s great for the immune system, cardiovascular system, circulatory system, burns, scraps, antioxidant, nervous system and digestive system.

Frankincense supports the immune, nervous, and digestive systems when taken internally. It also helps with blemishes and overall skin appearance when applied to the skin. To maximize the benefits I would recommend ingesting them. I have a guide on how to ingest essential oils safely. Enter name and email below to get the goods!



I would recommend taking a resistance band on the road with you to stretch and strengthen muscles. Its an easy, lightweight, packable tool to help you stay fit when you’re traveling. Pilate’s Anytime has various videos on using props like a resistance band at home/on the go to get a guided workout. I used it as a teaching tool and when I want to workout on the go!

I took a poll on my Instagram and I thought I would include some of their answers in this post as well. Other options are to go for a run, Yoga, using a hotel gym, walking everywhere if you can, and Plank/Pushups. I agree with it all. If you’re moving and not getting stationary on vacation the body is working in a healthy way.

Check out my post on Exercises You Can Do In Your Hotel Room for some advice.

No one wants to get sick in general let alone vacation! I hope that these tips and lifestyle hacks can help you to stay healthy on vacation and have the best adventure possible.

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